Friday, March 1, 2013

Weekend Links 3/2

Transcript of a Snow Day - I don't think a blog post has ever made me laugh this hard. Please enjoy...

God's Love and Evangelism - "Recently I was asked by a young lady, a lover of the gospel as well as people, this question, 'Does God love unbelievers?' She obviously was wrestling with working out her theology which stresses the sovereign love of God revealed in Christ to the elect with the very practical matter of sharing Christ with unbelievers, which she is doing."

Everywhere Worship for Everywhere Grace - From David Murray. "Worship need not be confined to our private devotions and our corporate worship. Yes, these are the times when we should expect to see the character of the Lord and bow before Him with joyful and reverent praise. However, we can see traces of the Lord’s character and beauty in all of His creation, and especially in the apex of His creation, humanity."

It's Time to Quit Your Job - Very tempting...

It's God's Drama, Not Ours - "So I heard a comment the other day that I’m sure you've heard occasionally as well, 'You just need to put Jesus in the center of your life!' Let me tell you why that bugs me."

A Story of Suffering - Beautiful testimony to how we ought to respond to grief. "In times of suffering you flee from what brings pain and run to what brings comfort. Suffering, in a way, shows us the core of who we are, where our hope is and where we find security."

The Lost Sheep - Great spoken word piece about how the Lord transforms lives. "I was the sheep that put Him on the crucifix to fix the death from which I am dismissed." Praise God!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reading, Katie! I had fun looking around your blog today, too.
