Sorry for the late post - we finished our triathlon! And both of us either met or exceeded our goals. However, my plans for the rest of the weekend include sitting on the couch and not moving.
Worshiping the Idol of 'Open Options' - "Making choices and moving on with our lives seems increasingly difficult. We find ourselves paralyzed: unable to make choices about relationships, dating, marriage, money, family, and career. I want to suggest that if we feel unable to make these choices, it's not because we have the wrong accent. It may be because we're worshiping a false god."
6 Ways You Can Support Missionaries - "That said, overseas missions would be impossible without the committed, consistent support of well-informed people and churches back at home. Here are six alternative ways to support missionaries and take part in God's mission to the world."
Citizens of Heaven - "Because of the cross, Christians know where we’re headed, and because of the cross, we are guaranteed citizenship. It is the country we belong in, the home and land we’ve been looking for all our lives. The color of our passport is blood red and our eternal visa has already been irrevocably stamped in."
The Seamless Garment of Christian Mission - How local and global missions work together to fulfill God's glorious purposes.
Missional Moleskine - Clearly there is a theme this week. Tim Brister shares how he intentionally orders his routines to build relationships with people for the sake of the gospel.
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