Believing the Worst of Those Who Love Me the Most - Thought provoking article from Tim Challies. "In a moment I can throw out all those years of love and sacrifice and assume that she is now opposed to me, looking out for her interests instead of mine, interested in harming me rather than helping me. In a moment I throw away all these evidences of her love and behave as if she hates me."
Broken, Yet Intricately Woven - Emily Armstrong was just diagnosed with Epilepsy. Read about how she responded to this news with beautiful faith.
The Tension of 'God is Good' and 'It Shouldn't Be This Way' - From Barnabas Piper and incredibly appropriate considering the shootings in Connecticut. "The natural, gut reaction to news like this is visceral. It is a mix of 'Why?' and 'This shouldn't have happened!' But for many of us, myself included, theology often catches up to instinct and says 'Yeah, but God is sovereign' as if this is more true than out first reaction. This theological realization stands in direct opposition to the emotional response. Are we sit back and think that all is ok, then?"
Silent Night, Peaceful Day - My all-time favorite Christmas story (other than the real one of Jesus, of course) is found in a fictional book called The Singing Tree, by Kate Seredy, set during WWI. Turns out that something very similar actually happened. Enjoy!
School Shootings and Spiritual Warfare - A comforting response from Russell Moore. "Let’s grieve for the innocent. Let’s demand justice for the guilty. And let’s rage against the Reptile behind it all. As we do so, let’s remember that Bethlehem was an act of war. Let’s remember that the One born there is a prince of peace who will crush the skull of the ancient murderer of Eden."
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